World Travel & Instagram Hacking - With Zach Benson - EP0124

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Zach Benson has figured out how to hack a successful life. He gets paid to travel the world and stays for free at all the top-rated resorts that you daydream of visiting.

Learn how this introverted former break-dancer figured out how to leverage Instagram in order to fund his lifestyle and adventures.

With his proven success on Instagram, he built a 7-figure consulting agency named Assistagram to help clients grow their Instagram accounts and influence. He now helps some of the biggest names on Instagram.

Zach Benson
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Company Name & Position Title
Founder - Assistagram
Facebook Page
Instagram Page
LinkedIn Page

Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn

"LinkedIn Sucks."
"LinkedIn is Boring."

I often hear phrases like this, but I want my 365 Driven family to be better informed than the others.

Yes, the OLD version of LinkedIn sucked. It was a boring cesspool of snooze-fest corporate updates and press releases, and thousands of people job-seeking. It was basically an online resume storage site, where recruiters mostly hung out.

LinkedIn isn't like that any longer. In the last two years, it has dramatically changed.

Some of you may not know that Microsoft owns LinkedIn as of 2016. It now has a huge financial backing.

Microsoft wants to play ball against social media titans like Facebook and Google (YouTube).
They started changing LinkedIn to operate more like a social media platform, rather than an article post dump. Like buttons, share buttons, video upload capability.

There are now thousands of people creating informative content around the topic of business and professional careers.

Think of LinkedIn as becoming the Business Social Media.

But here is why you should be on LinkedIn...

The main advantage on LinkedIn is the tremendous organic reach potential of your posts. This means far more people will see the posts and content that you create. This won't last forever. Social platforms reward us with huge organic reach potential to entice us to participate more. They control this with their algorithm.

Think of these social media sites as crack dealers. They give you some free product to try, and then you get addicted and want more. They start out by charging you a little, and then the price continues to increase over time.

Right now, that crack is basically FREE on LinkedIn. Very similar to how Facebook was, about 5-6 years ago.

I get it, you want some hard data to review...

Now for some split test results. You need to see hard data to fully comprehend why you should be spending more time on LinkedIn, vs other social platforms.

Compare the images attached. I posted the exact same post on the exact same day. These are where they stand this morning.

Facebook Business Page (6K followers) = 484 reach / 33 engage
Facebook Personal Page (7K followers) = unknown reach / 162 engage
Instagram Business Page (9.3K followers) = 2063 reach / 210 engage
LinkedIn Personal Page (4.2K followers) = 2130 reach / 39 engage

Results divided by follower count, shown in percentages:

FB Business = 8% reach / 0.05% engage (super weak!)
FB Personal = unknown reach / 2.3% engage
Instagram = 22% reach / 2.2% engage
LinkedIn = 51% reach / 0.9% engage

If you are a business owner, you really should be putting some effort into building your presence on LinkedIn, especially in 2020. You won't find cheaper attention for your business or personal brand.

While you are there, connect with me at


Life Lessons of Stinky Chicken - With Kareen Mills - EP0123

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Kareen Mills defines the word "Hustle" because of her relentless effort to make this world a better place. She is a business strategist and host of "Being Motherhustler" podcast, which was ranked in the Top 20 by Entrepreneur Magazine, for 2020.

She is a philanthropist and works tirelessly to help children, cancer victims, and those who grew up around domestic violence.

In this powerful episode, you'll hear a beautiful story of a mother's unconditional love.

Kareen shares her belief on why people have a midlife crisis. (It's hard to disagree with this one! - 2:54)

• How building up a successful career can sometimes become a trap. - 6:00

Why Kareen's children's school threatened to call the police when she came to pick up her kids. (Hear this life-changing story at 8:30)

• Kareen compares how she (an immigrant) sees America to that of many folks she knows who were born in the U.S. - 14:00

Tony's "piece of fruit" story that's both heart-warming and eye-opening. (This happened while Tony was visiting Africa. - 16:00)

• A bizarre thing Kareen does when ordering food at a restaurant. (Hear what this strange behavior is and why she does this…17:40)

Karen's emotional "stinky-ass chicken" story. I know this sounds funny, but trust me, if you have a pulse, this story will pull at your heartstrings. 19:50

• A positive thing Network marketers gain from the industry even if they never earn a single cracker. - 30:00

The secret to effortlessly cranking out exciting new content without ever getting writer's block or being stuck for content ideas. (If your brain goes to porridge when you sit down to create content, then I'll bet you dollars to donuts you're not doing what Tony suggests at 35:30)

• Why most U.S. citizens who want to write a book but lack the confidence to do it, have no excuse. - 38:10

Tony and Kareen debunk the notion that to write a book, you must be a good writer. - 39:00

• Kareen gives a “writing tip” that is unsexy and seemingly vapid, yet if you take this to heart, your writing will improve drastically! - 39:55

The "Ivy League" trap that befalls many speakers and writers that renders their communication ineffective. (Hmm. Perhaps I just fell into it then. Hear this at 41:10)

• The curious reason why Tony's glad his vocabulary has regressed over the last few years. - 42:15

Why Tony used to go to snack bars and ask for a “samwich”. - 48:00

• The single most “lamebrain excuse” for not having a job, ever! - 49:50

How creating a SMALLER audience can get you BIGGER profits! - 50:00

Kareen Mills
City, State, Country
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Company Name & Position Title
Host - Being Motherhustler podcast
Facebook Page
Instagram Page
LinkedIn Page
Podcast - iTunes

Gain Confidence Through Clarity - With Mike Szczesniak - EP0122

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Mike Szczesniak is President of The Results Engine where he helps his clients boost productivity and performance so they can scale their results in life and in business.

He is a certified high-performance coach, focused on helping Millennial digital marketers, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals.

Mike also understands the importance of a strong mind and strong body, and enjoys powerlifting.

In this episode, you'll hear:

  • Mike's eye-opening (and game-changing) Consume vs Generate revelation, and... how it's helped him in business and in podcasting. 2:00 
  • An almost never talked about reason why people suddenly become bored and quit listening to a podcast. (If you're a podcaster, you'll wanna hear this. - 2:50 
  • Tony's amusing "uninvited guest" story. This character interrupted Tony's podcast intro and then proceeded to troll him. - 3:40 
  •  Are you a high performer? Hear the brilliant definition of "high performance" at 4:20 and see. 
  • Tony and Mike swap war stories about getting their personal brands off the ground. - 5:00 
  • A classic Tupac quote you can use if any lamebrain follower tries to troll you and diss on your personal brand. 11:40 
  • How well-meaning people who love helping others, waste so much damn time. 15:00 
  • An honest, no B.S. way to kill your inner wimp and gain Rockstar-like confidence. (This is also taught by Tony's uber-successful friend Ed Mylett. Hear this at 19:30) 
  • The totally misunderstood (and lousily taught) "Make Your Bed" success tip. (At 20:50 Mike eliminates the nonsense and unpacks this success tip in a crystal clear and inspiring way that will have you making your bed every morning like an U.S. marine.) 
  • A down-n-dirty lesson on how to create the habit of winning. - 21:30 
  • The counter-intuitive "I over I" philosophy that transformed Mike's business. (If you're in business just for the money, you probably won't like this philosophy. - 24:00) 
  • A laughably simple (but very effective) way to complete any job you're been putting off, no matter how difficult the job or how long you've been putting it off. - 26:00 
  • Tony and Mike rant about a certain branch of the personal development space that has more "flakes" than a box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. - 38:00 
  • How to avoid becoming a "seminar junkie" - 43:00 
  • The dangers of being a self-learner. - 46:50 
  • The criminally underrated ROI of masterminds. - 55:00 
  • Is it what you know or who you know? Hear Tony's surprising take on this popular question. - 53:40 
Mike Szczesniak
City, State, Country
New York, NY
Company Name & Position Title
The Results Engine - CEO & Head Coach
Facebook Page
Instagram Page
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Other Social Media or Websites (book, IMDb, etc...)

Big League Branding Your Business And Life - With David Brier - EP0121

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David Brier has been called a “mad genius” by the incredible Claude Silver of VaynerMedia, “brilliant with branding” by Shark Tank’s Daymond John and “a branding genius” by Mr. 10X, Grant Cardone.

He's the recipient of over 320 international awards on design and branding and has the rare distinction of being presented the Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship medallion.

David has been featured in all of the major magazines and media, during the course of his career. He is also the author of his #1 Amazon bestselling book, “BRAND INTERVENTION, 33 Steps to Transform the Brand You Have Into the Brand You Need."

In this episode you'll hear:

  • Tony rattles off David's very, VERY impressive laundry list of prestigious awards, credentials, and achievements. - 1:00

  • How Apple gets its customers “frothing at the mouth” excited just opening their cardboard packaging. (Apple literally trigger a dopamine dump in their customers’ brain as they open Apple's product packaging. This is why grown men act like kids at Christmas time whenever they get a new Apple product. - 5:00)

  • David's honest-to-God review of Apple's new AirPods Pro. - 5:50

  • Tony turns a throwaway comment into a “devilishly” good marketing hook. Hear this 7-word catchphrase at 6:10 Best part: it could be adapted and reused for almost any product, service, or industry. (Nice one, Tony!)

  • David's "The Imagination Robber" lesson. This eyebrow-raising lesson reveals the secret to knowing if someone's a real pro or just a wannabe. 9:30 
  • The magazine David read as a teenager that really turned him on! (No, wasn't Playboy. Well, at least not in this case - 9:00)

  • Why David sees himself more like a symphony orchestra conductor than a marketer. - 11:00 

  • When basing your career choice on your strengths is a BAD thing. - 13:00

  • David's 4-minute seminar on how to find your dream career. 

  • Marketing and Branding - what's the difference? Tune in at 19:30 and hear David break it down Barney style.

  • The “prodigiously stupid” thing most business owners say that shows how clueless they are about branding. 20:40 

  • Why branding has been (and still is) a complete mystery to almost everyone in business. (Even the marketing and branding gurus can't agree on what branding is. - 22:00)

  • The explicit 4-word sentence that explains exactly what branding really is. Pay close attention at 22:30 

  • David's gloriously entertaining “1-minute rant” of the moronic branding of the average business owner today. (But don't be too quick to laugh, you might be doing some of what David mentions at 23;00)

  • Why trying to be the best is a “losing strategy” and what to do instead. (This could perhaps be the most valuable branding and marketing secret disclosed in this entire interview. - 25:00) 

  • The HUGE advantage Apple has over Samsung (and other competitors) that puts them in a whole other league. (Nope. This has nothing to do with the quality of their products. Listen up at 26:00)

  • Why your product or widget, no matter how good it is, doesn't amount to a hill of beans, and... what really matters. This is must-hear information if you’re a business owner, author, speaker, coach or marketer. - 28:00

  • The REAL reason behind why Blockbuster went bust and Netflix became the newly crowned king. - 28:15 (Little-known story: in 2000, the owners of Netflix tried to sell their flailing business to Blockbuster CEO John Antioco. The Netflix founders made a heartfelt pitch but were laughed out of the room by the Blockbuster CEO. Ain't that one helluva story?)

  • Tony takes his turn to rant. This time eCommerce business owners cop it! (Hear Tony describe the boneheaded mistake many eCommerce business owners make with their websites that frustrates the hell out of their visitors and robs the site owner of sales. -31:00)

  • David gives a crash-course in personal branding. - 34:00 

  • Why you should be concerned if you have no haters. - 37:00

  • Tony discloses a “branding secret” every author, coach, and speaker needs to know - 38:30 

  • David's amusing Published Unpublished method for dealing with internet trolls and haters. 40:00

  • What a miss-matcher is, and... why they might be the most annoying people on the planet! - 43:00 

  • How to “judo-flip” getting attacked by trolls and haters into a steady stream of new business, more influence, and a much bigger social media following. - 47:00

  • Tony's pep talk to those who feel "late to the game" - 49:00
David Brier
City, State, Country
Menomonie, WI
Company Name & Position Title
DBD International, Ltd.
Facebook Page
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LinkedIn Page

Become The Architect Of Your Actual Purpose - With Travis Fox - EP0120

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Travis Fox is known as "The Architect of Being" and is armed with degrees in both Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy. He is a Master Trainer and Business Coach.

For the last 29 years, Travis has been training and teaching his proprietary methodology; Architecting sales, marketing, communication, branding and corporate cultures for both private and public corporations.

In this episode, you'll hear:

The selfish reason behind why Travis got into Psychology and Hypnotherapy. - 2:00

• The moronic thing (one of many) the education system forces kids to do that's not only stupid, but is also totally unfair. - 2:50

• What Travis's wife did to him that made him feel like his heart was ripped out and driven over by a Mack Truck. Hear this heart-wrenching tale at 3:20

• How being "good" at something can potentially hurt your future career and work satisfaction. - 5:20

• Why many people are miserable with their job or career despite being good at what they do. - 10:00

• A no-nonsense, no B.S. way to find your passion. (This is NOT an answer most people will like, but it is what it is. - 11:15)

• The daunting "30 Day" question that will force you to get real and discover if you're truly happy or not. If you're game, listen up at 15:10)

• The #1 excuse people make for not going after their dream. - 17:40

• Tony gets real (like always) and talks about his unrelenting half a decade of Groundhog Day. Yup, believe it or not, Tony went five long years where no matter what he was doing, he just phoned it in - 20:00

• Travis talks about the Dark Side of the self-help industry and reveals some of the “financial shenanigans” that go on. (This is why Travis took a five-year sabbatical from the industry he loves. - 23:00)

• The "When I" fallacy that keeps folks perpetually discontent and feeling more frustrated than a midget playing Twister. 27:35

• The most likely person to quit on you. (It's very easy to spot this individual. Here's how: Go into an empty bathroom, walk up to the basin and look in the mirror! - 30:20)

• Golden advice to give your kids no matter how young or old they are. A big caveat: make sure YOU'RE doing this also. - 32:50

• Tony slides his jib about slick encyclopedia salesmen, fine art, and condom wearing bananas. 44:50

• Travis's impassioned and “uncensored” opinion on Accountability Coaches. WARNING: make sure no young children are around to hear. - 58:30)

• Travis’ method guides people and corporations to the heart of their message.

Travis Fox
City, State, Country
Las Vegas, NV
Company Name & Position Title
Architect of BEing - founder & Creator
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LinkedIn Page

Become Outstanding With Personal Branding - With Natalia Wiechowski - EP0119

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Dr Natalia Wiechowski had what most would perceive as a perfect life. With a PhD in Philosophy, she led a highly paid career and worked for a great company. But on the inside, she wasn't happy.

At twenty-nine, she quit her job and started from scratch.

During a nine-month sabbatical she changed the way she thought, spoke and acted. She committed to design her purposeful dream life and founded her company, Think Natalia.

Her obsession is "coachsulting" people who left corporate to do their own thing. She now helps people who want to build an international, sustainable and purposeful thought leadership personal brand on LinkedIn.

In this episode, you'll hear:

  • Why Natalia quit her cushy corporate job, left her friends, locked herself away and lived like a hermit for 9 months. - 2:00 
  • The car Natalia owned that made her go, "Ooooahhhh" – Hey, she said it! - 5:15
  • The ONLY two things that made Natalia happy during a time when she was miserable and hating her life. - 5:30 
  • Was Tony happier after he made his money or before? (Hear Tony's eye-opening answer at 5:55
  • A little-talked about “addiction” that more people have than you would ever imagine. - 6:30 
  • A common way people lose their vitality and energy even though they eat well, exercise, and get good sleep. (Hear what this common "energy thief" is at 7:48)
  • Why your family and closest friends are often lying when they wish you success. (Hear this controversial information at 9:40) 
  • Tony's brilliant “culling friends” methodology that instantly identifies the winners from the losers. (Listen up at 10:15)
  • Why people who are teachable and very "nice" often become miserable, or even worse - totally crack! - 14:55 
  • What people lose when they become unemployed that often leaves them depressed and feeling useless. This is what happened to Tony when he was 43 years old. (And no. It's not confidence or money. Hear what this is at 17:00)
  • The “unusual” way Tony pulled himself out of a dark funk. This was back when Tony was unemployed and going crazy looking for a job every day on LinkedIn. (Hear what Tony did in his backyard to stop himself from REALLY losing it. You may not be able to do exactly what Tony did, but you sure can apply the same concept. - 17:20)
  • What the "Sunk Cost Fallacy" is, and how it can keep you stuck in a rut, thinking small, and living life on other people's terms instead of your own. - 18:30 
  • The single biggest missing element in most content put online today that hurts engagement. (This is especially true of the content that's on LinkedIn. Start injecting the element mentioned at 23:00 into all your content marketing and watch what happens.)
  • A clever thing Natalia did on LinkedIn that has given her a leg up on the competition. (Best part: This is something anyone can do. This is mentioned briefly, so listen carefully at exactly 23:07) 
  • Natalia's “crash course” on how to make a post go viral on LinkedIn. (Natalia routinely gets hundreds of likes and comments on her posts and... many of them hit LinkedIn's coveted Now Trending, to boot! In other words, Natalia knows whereof she speaks. - 23:50)
  • Natalia's secret to creating “irresistible content” that even people with fruit-fly level attention spans will drop what they're doing and pay attention to. - 24:00 
  • Why Natalia thinks content marketers should pay ZERO attention to what's trending, and what you should do instead. -  25:00
  • A head-smackingly simple (but powerful) way to create content that nobody can steal or imitate. And if they try to, they’ll just look like copycats.  - 25:10 
  • How to always bang out highly engaging content even if you're a raw newbie and have a dorky personality. Just do what Tony mentions at 26:00 and you can't go wrong.
  • What Gary Vee said about LinkedIn that, if he's right, is very good news for content creators. (Ol' Gary boy's been right a few times before, so I'd lean in at 27:18) 
  • A little-talked about benefit of marketing on LinkedIn that other platforms like Instagram and Facebook simply can't match. - 28:00
  • Why most marketers who promote their business on Facebook and Instagram come off looking like carnival barkers. - 29:20
  • The "First Hour" secret to gaining the most attention and engagement humanly possible with your LinkedIn content. (Natalia learned this from a couple of ninja LinkedIn growth hackers. Hear this little-known secret at 31:35)
  • Natalia gives the full skinny on creating a LinkedIn profile that shines with credibility instead of one that “smacks” of amateurism. 
  • What people unwittingly leave off their LinkedIn profile that almost guarantees people who visit their profile quickly click away and never return. - 34:28
  • How your high-falutin’ expert status and list of fancy credentials could be hurting your LinkedIn profile. Full story at 37:00 
  • A sneaky way to use people's egos and “need to be heard” to boost your LinkedIn content. - 38:50
  • Natalia's embarrassing ToastMasters story that will make you cringe, laugh and feel inspired. - 42:40 
  • Are great speakers born or made? At 46:00 Tony drops science on the topic. Insightful stuff.
Dr. Natalia Wiechowski
City, State, Country
Dubai, UAE
Company Name & Position Title
Think Natalia - Keynote Speaker, Edutainer, LinkedIn Unicorn, Personal Branding Strategist
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LinkedIn Page
YouTube Channel

Stop Wasting Time With Meetings

Stop wasting people's time with meetings!
Meetings aren't intended to be a social gathering for lonely office workers.
Meetings aren't useful for trying to be a public speaker. Find a real stage if you like sharing your message.
Meetings don't exist for you to showcase your boring slideshow or report, which only you care about.
Meetings aren't meant to be held, just to propose another upcoming meeting.
If you would like your company, department, or team to achieve higher performance this year; Let them work.
Meetings should only be attended by decision-makers and key stakeholders relevant to the topic, not spectators.
Meetings should only be held for these topics:
1. To arrive at a decision, once all available information is presented by a team.
2. To create a plan, but only if team input is required.
3. To solve a problem or emergency, but only if team input is required.
Make some rules for meetings:
"No agenda, no time management? No meeting."
"No decision to be made? No meeting."
"If this can be communicated via email or phone, no meeting."
Make this year more productive. Everyone hates wasting time in unnecessary meetings. Make every meeting count!

Make Shift Happen - With Michael Dash - EP0118

iTunes Google Play Spotify Stitcher Soundcloud Libsyn

Michael G. Dash is an entrepreneur and best-selling author of "Chasing The High". He's a recovering addict, speaker and philanthropist. He founded the F.A.T.E. series (From Addict To Entrepreneur) published on Thrive Global & Medium.

Michael helps overworked entrepreneurs and business leaders move from isolation to connection to step back into the true leader they were meant to be.

He is the co-founder of the Activated.Life, a social movement focused on inspiring a culture of positivity, authenticity, passion, empathy, and resilience while giving back to others. Michael is an avid volunteer, fundraiser, and mentor, and is dedicated to bringing positive change to leaders of all kind.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you'll hear:

  • A super cool “interviewee technique” (often used by Hollywood screenwriters) for grabbing the host’s and audiences' rapt attention right off the bat. - 1:47
  • How a seemingly “innocent” chat with his uncle at Thanksgiving sent the young Michael Dash down the precarious path of gambling. 2:00
  • The shockingly young age Michael began his gambling habit. - 2:20
  • How Michael was virtually groomed as a child to become a gambler. - 2:30
  • Tony's little-talked about days of being a pro pool player. Geez...what hasn't he done? (At 2:40 you'll hear Tony wax lyrical about playing Nine Ball for cash in the pool halls of Houston Texas, and... what he spent his winnings on. Hmm…)
  • The REAL reason gamblers love gambling. - 5:50
  • A form of selling that, more times than not, chews up and spits out the salespeople who attempt it. (This “brutal” form of selling is what Michael cut his teeth on and says it has turned him into one helluva good salesperson. - 9:15
  • Why Michael used to be called "The White Devil" (And no... this was not a term of endearment or a nickname given by his mates. Full story at 9:30)
  • Michael's “crazy” Spring Break story. (This involves a Lincoln Continental, two ballsy but stupid guys in their early twenties, and 22 pounds of marijuana - 12:00)
  • What Michael saw that helped him kick his gambling addiction for good! -14:10
  • Michael and Tony swap “horror stories” about business partnerships, corporate bullying, and rant about scumbag business executives and their money-grubbing lawyers. The fun starts at 22:00
  • A cautionary tale: what Michael learned during his six years of litigation hell. - 24:30
  • The dumbass mistake most people make when seeking legal help. - 35:00
  • The "Hell Yes! F*#k No!" philosophy that's helped Michael (1) make better life decisions (2) become more focused, and (3) feel a sense of peace and wellbeing. - 38:50
  • Proof that Michael Dash is not a fan of the 80s band The Police. - 39:40
  • The strange (but effective) way Michael gets high. (Don't worry, this doesn't involve taking any drugs or ingesting any substances. – 48:10)
  • Michael's damn good advice for entrepreneurs, introverts, and lone wolves who spend a lot of time alone. (Since Michael’s been doing this, he's never been happier. - 52:00)
Michael Dash
City, State, Country
Venice, CA
Company Name & Position Title
F.A.T.E. / Founder
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LinkedIn Page