Planning, Productivity, and People - with Emily Frisella - EP 288
So many people struggle with proper planning and claim that they don’t have enough time to do what will move the needle forward in either their business, fitness, relationships, or personal development. Those of us that are 365 driven are always aiming to reach the next level in various aspects of life while learning how to balance it all. Some people are really disciplined in their business, but struggle to prioritize in other areas. The hard truth is that they just aren’t doing it right, and today’s guest is here to share the hacks we need to be a better planner, maximize productivity, and prioritize the relationships that matter most.
Emily Frisella is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who started her first brick-and-mortar business at the age of 20. She is the Founder of The Paper & Plan Co., A twice published best-selling cookbook author, Co-host of Curious Me Podcast, Founder of The Women in Business Workshop, COO of 44Seven Media & the Arete Syndicate, a Business Coach, and a speaker. Emily’s latest book “Relationships First: People, Passion, and Profit” explains the importance of nurturing relationships for both personal and professional success. As a business owner of several businesses, Emily has planning and productivity down to a science and she shares her best tips in this episode.
With so many distractions around, such as social media and people demanding our time and attention, learning to balance it all to focus on what needs to get done, can be very overwhelming. Emily explains that so many people overestimate their brain power and ability to remember every single thing that needs to get done, and also may struggle with setting boundaries with others when it comes to protecting their time. In order to be productive in all areas when it comes to business, fitness, and personal life, learning to plan in a way that works best for you (not what someone else says is the “perfect” schedule) is going to be key.
Key highlights:
- Why do people struggle with planning?
- How to set and achieve goals
- How planning makes you a better boss/manager
- Emily’s tip: “Do first what you do not want to do most”
- Emily’s productivity tools and hacks
- How to set boundaries and protect your time
- How Emily prioritizes all her tasks
- Emily explains her “dungeon days”
- Making a schedule that works best for you
- Being mindful of ways to pour into people in all aspects of your life
- Relationship advice if you always feel like you need to be the problem solver
Connect with Emily Frisella:
Instagram: @emilyfrisella
Connect with Tony Whatley:
Instagram: @365driven
Facebook: 365 Driven
LinkedIn: Tony Whatley
Integrity Vs Influence - with Tony Whatley - EP 287
Too many people are trading integrity for influence and trying to gain fake followers and fake notoriety to appear as though they are influential, but if it’s not real, what is the point? Do those fake followers and fake blue check marks matter if they aren’t actually providing real value to the world? Fake PR might work to fool people into thinking those fake influencers are more wealthy and successful than they are, but if that means sacrificing integrity to get there, those tactics are going to have long-term effects, and keeping up the fakeness will become unsustainable.
Our world is craving authenticity, and eventually, the fakes will be revealed. True influence is earned by making an impact and consistently providing value to others. Too many people want to skip the impact part, but that is what matters. It’s about the long game when it comes to influence, and if someone can’t provide value, they don’t deserve the influence. Let’s make 2023 the year of authenticity and the year we stop supporting the fakers. So how do you spot the fakes and frauds in the influence space? Tune in to find out the telltale signs of a fake influencer.
Key highlights:
- Stop trading integrity for influence
- Why people do fake PR
- What are things people can fake in the influencer space?
- What are things you can’t fake?
- How to spot fakes and frauds in the influencer space
- How to know someone is real and authentic
- Tony explains “Pay to Play” type of events
- Avoid groups that teach you fake stuff and start supporting real and authentic people
Episode resources:
EP 249 of 365 Driven: Fake Media Influence Exposed - with Kimanzi Constable
Connect with Tony:
Your Silence is Killing You - with Scott Harvey - EP 286
We’re living in a “cancel culture” society where we’re so afraid of saying the wrong thing, that we decide to say nothing. But what if our silence is more dangerous and damaging than expressing what we really think? We don’t all have to have the same opinions and agree on every topic, but it’s important that we have the opportunity to express differing opinions and learn from each other. It’s also important to listen to people that have different views than us. If we silence opposing opinions then we are not challenged and are no longer growing and getting better. This just creates an echo chamber that won’t give us an opportunity to really think about how things can be improved. Today’s guest explains why calling attention to the elephant in the room is important.
Scott Harvey spent 20 years as a hostage negotiator and public information officer and is not afraid to have difficult conversations. As a professional speaker and communication coach, he speaks to tens of thousands of people each year teaching them the tactics they need to speak with confidence and build their influence. Scott believes that in our "cancel culture" world, our silence is killing us because our reputation and our organizations suffer. Luckily, we can learn communication skills and how to effectively have hard and necessary conversations.
In this episode, Scott explains that we can’t influence real change and have a voice if we are too worried to speak up. Having the fear of saying the wrong thing is a good thing because of course we don’t intend to hurt anyone, but it's important to note that it is easier to defend your action than your inaction. People might mistake your silence for apathy, so just be real because our world is desperate for authenticity.
Key highlights:
- Why Scott retired from the police world and stepped into the speaking world
- Scott's thoughts on cancel culture
- The danger in silencing opposing opinions
- How to influence real change, and it isn't through social media
- Why you should challenge yourself to listen to both sides and form your own opinion
- Scott's opinion on why people stay silent
- Take time to listen to critics because they might have something that makes you better
- Why people unfollowing you and unsubscribing is actually a good thing
- How to approach difficult conversations
- Tips for building rapport and trust with your audience
Connect with Scott Harvey:
Instagram: @speakingofharvey
Get Scott’s book: Silence Kills
Facebook: Scott Harvey
Twitter: @RamblinHarvey
LinkedIn: Scott Harvey
Connect with Tony:
Instagram: @365driven
The Importance of Strength Training - with James Gerland - EP 285
During this time of year, a lot of you are thinking “new year, new me” and setting really ambitious goals with great intentions, saying you’ll make health a priority this year, but then not long after, many people fall off the wagon. Today’s guest is just what we all need to light a fire under us to make physical fitness a top priority this year. James Gerland is on the 365 Driven Podcast to explain the importance of strength training not only for our physical health but all aspects of life including mental health and personal development.
James Gerland is the founder of AMMP Labs and is building a brand of performance-oriented gyms. James has been a high-performance coach for 19 years and takes his clients’ results and happiness very seriously. He specializes in hypertrophy training, strength and conditioning, bodybuilding, fat loss, and mobility. He works with high-level athletes from UFC, NFL, IFBB, NPC, college football athletes, and anyone looking to optimize their physique in a sustainable way. What makes James different from other strength and performance coaches is that he wants people to be safe and continue progressing in all areas of life.
In this episode, James shares how he helps people make fitness a habit and get the momentum to make it a lifestyle instead of trying for a bit, and eventually giving up. He is not about short-term gains and results, because making fitness and nutrition a top priority all throughout our lives is going to be key for longevity and feeling our best, which will transfer into all areas of life. James also gets into the topic of supplements, such as: What makes good supplements? Do you need supplements? Should you cycle off of certain supplements? Tune in for more.
Key highlights:
- Why James decided to become a strength and conditioning coach
- James critiques the “new” way of fitness
- Fitness isn't just about changing your body
- The first 21 days is when habits are formed
- What if someone is coming in at ground zero?
- Tony’s message to people that continually feel like they “fell off the wagon”
- The importance of rest and recovery for long-term goals
- Why the majority of what we see online about fitness is wrong
- Are free weights or machines better?
- Which machine types are the best?
- How James builds programs for beginners
- The 80/20 rule is BS when it comes to nutrition and exercise because should be 100% for both
- The importance of learning posture and stabilizing before throwing weight on the bar
- The problem with workout programs that are not customized to each person
- “Master the weight, don’t let the weight master you” (no ego pulls)
- Why a lot of commercial gyms are designed incorrectly
- What James suggests to people that feel they have hit a plateau
- The importance of setting up your lifts correctly to avoid injury and hit muscles correctly
Connect with James Gerland and check out AMMP Labs:
Instagram: @ammplabs
Connect with Tony:
Instagram: @365driven
How To Win in 2023 - with Tony Whatley - EP 284
Happy New Year and welcome back to the 365 Driven Podcast! Last year, Tony released an episode titled “How to Win in 2022” and it was one of the most downloaded episodes of last year. This year, Tony is back with more actionable advice on how to win this year, and the messages are not the same as the previous year.
While planning for personal and professional growth this year, it is unavoidable to address the big elephant in the room: recession. With all the indicators bring present, it is essential to make a plan to not just survive this market, but to know what is needed to thrive and make this your best year yet.
All of the “get rich quick” schemes of previous years are not going to work in a recession. Tony encourages you to take advice from someone that has been in business during a recession and knows what it takes to stay above the competition. Tony built his first business in the recession of 2001, and used the 2007-2009 recession to invest and grow his online retail company, which became a 7 figure business. It’s easy to be successful in a growth economy, but with the current market trends, you want to learn what it takes to use the market to your advantage and grow exponentially in 2023.
Most people will focus on doom and gloom and consider quitting, but winners see these moments as an opportunity. So how do you win when your competition is backing down? Tune in to learn how to win in 2023.
Key highlights:
- Tony addresses the topic of recession and all the indicators being present
- Tony shares his history with recessions
- The biggest growth comes during and shortly after a recession
- This is the time to play the “buy low, sell high” game
- How to stand out on social media
- Which social media platforms are showing growth?
- How to grow your email list
- Adjusting your offer for the current market
- Tony challenges you to get in the best shape of your life mentally and physically this year
Connect with Tony:
Instagram: @365driven