Wants Vs. Needs - with Tony Whatley EP 296

I posted this photo of my driveway in 2010. Most people could appreciate the work required to build results, but a few could not understand it.

"Why do you need so many cars?"
"I'd hate to see your car insurance bill."
"Must be nice."

The truth is that nobody *needs* anything above our basic human needs. Food, shelter, security, companionship, etc...

There is a huge mindset shift that occurs between Needs vs Wants.

I cover this in Episode 296. Some of you still won't get it, but many others will. It's all about raising your self awareness. 🏁

Internet Marketers Ignore The Truth

Internet marketers ignore the obvious truth about their success. 😮

How many times have you seen one of your favorite marketers make a post telling you how they earned 100K in a week, or maybe even a million on a launch?

The good ones aren't lying about their result. I've even earned over 100K in a week during a program launch, and I'm not a celebrity.

It's not easy to achieve results like this. It's actually a rare exception, even if these marketers make it appear easy to do or duplicate.

The part they conveniently skip past, is the requirement to have a sizable audience or following, first. It's relatively predictable to earn a six or seven figure launch, if you've built a legit six or seven figure following or community.

Most of you don't have the audience or following. You can't skip that part. Even if you buy their courses and learn their course/program launch tactics, you'd be lucky to earn a grand, without the audience.

So the real challenge becomes "How do I build an audience or followers?"

The answer to that question isn't desirable or easy. Most of you are too impatient to do the work, consistently over YEARS to create that result. Your impatience has you quitting or pivoting after only a few months.

Then you fall into the trap of buying fake followers to appear bigger than you are. That only further dilutes your message, because now even fewer of your legit audience will see your content.

Many of you join groups, hoping you can use those groups as your own audience. That doesn't work. So you join other groups and keep trying to do the same thing, semi-spamming the groups and trying to be clever with your self-promo posts. People are smarter than you think, they see right through it.

There are specific skill sets you should focus on, if you want to become a leader or become more influential. Communication skills. Active listening. Power and positioning tactics. Becoming more bold with your thoughts and words, and so on. Quit playing middle-of-the-road and trying to make people like you.

Understand that six and seven figure weeks actually require years of effort and improvement to achieve that result. It isn't as easy as these marketers try to make you believe. The results they get have taken years to achieve.


Reinvention Over Rehabilitation - with Angie Manson - EP 295

The definition of rehabilitation is to restore someone to their former condition, but a more helpful and empowering method is reinvention. We always want to be improving and gaining skills that make us better humans, and it is totally possible to completely reinvent ourselves into whatever version we want to be. Today’s guest has an incredible comeback story of going from facing prison time for a felony, to being a successful CEO of Elevate Addiction Services.

Angie Manson began drinking and using drugs at just 11 years old, was arrested and went to rehab at 16, and faced 10 years in prison at 21 years old. Due to a compassionate judge, Angie was sentenced to treatment instead. A couple of months in, she started working and giving back and realized her true purpose was to help others overcome the struggles she once faced. After completing 3-years of probation and working full-time in treatment, that same Judge erased all of Angie’s criminal record and gave her a completely clean slate. Angie used the opportunity to turn her life around and reinvent herself. Angie has now worked in alcohol and drug rehabilitation full-time for 28 years and empowers individuals to stay sober and reach their true potential with her unique and copyrighted method.

In this episode, Angie shares her story of what led to her addiction early in her life, and emphasizes the importance of parents having those tough, but very necessary conversations about drugs and alcohol with their children sooner rather than later. With the current opioid overdose crisis in our country, largely due to accidental Fentanyl ingestion, it has become even more important for parents to be aware of the hazards and prevention. Angie also dives into the topic of how to be an effective leader of an organization, personal branding, scaling, and using criticism to your benefit.

Key highlights:

  • Angie’s comeback story of being addicted to drugs and alcohol, facing prison time, and eventually completely reinventing herself as a successful CEO
  • Angie’s advice to parents to look at clues that their kids may be getting into substance abuse
  • What people need to know about the Fentanyl crisis
  • Why Angie’s approach to overcoming addiction works and changes lives
  • How Angie grew her company from a small team to one of 100 team members currently
  • Why EQ matters more than IQ when it comes to running a company
  • Qualities of a great leader
  • Growing pains Angie saw as a business owner
  • Angie’s advice to business owners in hiring team members
  • Personal branding and owning your uniqueness
  • How to handle haters and critics and use criticism to your benefit

Connect with Angie Manson:

Connect with Tony Whatley:
Instagram: @365driven
Facebook: 365 Driven
LinkedIn: Tony Whatley

Manufacturing Influence - with Ulyses Osuna - EP 294


With people paying for blue check marks and seeking quick ways to get known in their industry, more people want to know how they can fast-track their influence. While it is true that slowly and steadily building that know, like, and trust factor will greatly benefit you, we have seen that the universe loves speed. It is also true that there are unethical and frowned-upon ways to gain an audience, but there are always routes to manufacture influence with integrity and honesty if you want to establish trust and authority faster.

Ulyses Osuna is here on the 365 Driven Podcast to talk all things media, PR, and everything you need to know to get known in the industry. Ulyses is the CEO of Influencer Press where he manages publicity for clients and helps them get known quicker. He has been featured in Forbes, and contributed to Entrerour.com, Success.com, Huffpost.com, and Business.com. With Ulyses’ help, his clients have gotten 13 million views, and thousands of articles published.

In this episode, Ulyses shares why he got interested in PR at only 17 years old, and the very hard lessons he had to learn about the industry. As a young entrepreneur that wanted to reach the limelight as fast as possible, Ulyses knows that people are looking for someone to guide them to fast, yet honest strategies to increase their influence. With a lot of dishonesty in the media, the importance of building your influence with honesty is key to making yourself stand out in the crowd and building a loyal following that will carry over for decades. Ulyses covers how he helps his clients control what people think about them, the importance of personal branding, and his opinion on paying to get verified online.

Key highlights:

  • The hard lessons Ulyses learned when getting into the industry
  • The importance of being honest on social media
  • The problems with cancel culture
  • Where Ulyses’ passion came from
  • Why media and PR are so alluring
  • How to win in any industry
  • Ulyses' opinion on paying to be featured in articles or for verification on social media
  • How Ulyses works with clients to control what people see and think about them
  • The PR snowball system
  • Using podcast guesting as a PR pitch deck
  • What do paid events look like?
  • Why is personal branding important?
  • Why should someone hire an agency and look to build their influence?

Episode resources:
Book: Trust Me, I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday

Connect with Ulyses:
Website: ulysesosuna.com
Instagram: @ulyses

Connect with Tony Whatley:
Instagram: @365driven
Facebook: 365 Driven
LinkedIn: Tony Whatley

How To Become Powerful - with Robert Greene - EP 293

Humans are incredibly powerful creatures, and we all want to portray our sense of power and never want to appear weak. Sometimes certain habits or insecurities can counteract this, but luckily today’s guest is an expert in what it takes to be truly powerful.

Robert Greene is an author and speaker known for his books on strategy, power, and seduction. Robert is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, Mastery, The Laws of Human Nature, and most recently, The Daily Laws. Robert’s first book The 48 Laws of Power was released in 1998 and condensed 3 thousand years of the history of power into these very influential laws that are highly regarded by anyone seeking to unlock their true power.

In this episode, Robert and Tony have a very deep and insightful conversation as they dive into several of Robert’s Laws of Power. After leaving over 60 jobs, Robert shares his realization that he was not meant to work for someone else, and what inspired him to write a book about power without first having any reputation. Whether you are a business owner or feeling frustrated at your corporate job, Robert’s insight is highly valuable and will help you position yourself as someone of power. In today’s digital world with the ease of sharing anything we want online, it has become even more critical to understand what it takes to be powerful.

Key highlights:

  • Robert’s background and why he decided to become an author after leaving over 60 different jobs
  • Law #1: Never outshine the master
  • Robert’s advice to people feeling frustrated with their boss at work
  • Law #4: Always say less than necessary
  • How does law #4 apply to social media?
  • Using absence to create respect
  • Law #9: Win through your actions and not through arguments
  • Law #15: Crush your enemy totally
  • Law #18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself
  • Law #25: Recreate yourself
  • Law #28: Interact with boldness
  • Robert reflects on having a stroke in 2018 and what he learned about life, death, and mortality

Connect with Robert Greene:
Website: powerseductionandwar.com
Twitter: @RobertGreene
Instagram: @RobertGreeneOfficial

Connect with Tony Whatley:
Instagram: @365driven
Facebook: 365 Driven
LinkedIn: Tony Whatley