Discipline Leads to an Easier Life
The people I lead keep me disciplined and accountable.
It's impossible to lead high performers without living by example, yourself.
You cannot be average in mindset.
You cannot be average in health and fitness.
You cannot be average in relationships.
You cannot be average in influence and leadership.
You cannot be average in money.
I consistently make better decisions because I carry high standards, and I expect my clients to do the same. Hypocrisy is a choice you can avoid, based on your decisions.
I don't drink alcohol.
I don't smoke or vape.
I don't use drugs, psychedelics, or get high to escape reality.
I don't eat crap food.
I don't drink chemicals like sodas or energy drinks.
True high performers don't fill their tank with 87 octane, when 100+ octane is required for high performance.
Many people consider themselves high performers, but they usually only perform in a few areas. They ignore the areas that they are weaker in, hoping that everyone only notices the areas they are stronger in.
The fat dude hopes you notice his Ferrari, not his shape.
The fit dude hopes you notice his abs, not his empty bank account.
The weak mindset person will spend all day arguing on Facebook.
The low confidence person will hide from photos and spotlights.
Here's the truth about high performers. To outsiders, it seems like it would be difficult to live to these standards. In reality, it is actually easier to live to high performing standards, once you've achieved these levels. That's right, it is EASIER.
Life is easier when you are healthy and fit.
Life is easier when you are confident.
Life is easier when you have money.
Life is easier when you become influential and a leader.
Life is easier when your relationships are stronger.
You must make the decision to do something about your situation. Everything is possible.
Alkaline Water Filter vs Bottled Water Comparison
Water is essential for every cell, tissue and organ in your body. It is a detoxifier, hydrator and distributes nutrients. The recommended intake is 90-125 ounces daily.
But, which type of water is best? Tap? Bottled? Fridge? Spring? Distilled? Or Akaline?
What is alkaline water, you ask?
The alkaline is the pH level. There is a range of 0-14. 0 is very acidic and 14 is very alkaline.
The ideal pH for our bodies is slightly alkaline: 7.30 to 7.45.
We can achieve homeostasis by consuming the right foods. But, sometimes this may be difficult due to the quality of food sources. Or if you have a high protein diet, which is acidic. So, the easiest way to get back to slightly alkaline, is to consume alkaline water.
Ozarka water was a staple in our house. But, I won’t buy another bottle of Ozarka water again. I foolishly thought bottled spring water was healthy and alkaline, unfortunately I was wrong.
I conducted a small experiment using, tap water, bottle water, refrigerator, and an Opti Filter. Here are the results I observed.
The Alkaline
Range of 7.5 – 10 pH
The best was the Opti Water Filter and is my primary recommendation. The filters are coconut carbon and remove 99.9% of contaminants. While also alkalizing your tap water and reducing waste in the landfills. It can be found via Amazon for about $105. The filter lasts for about 4 months. Get yours here.
The bottled waters that I recommend are, from highest to lowest pH:
- Opti Filtered tap water
- Alkaline 88
- Kirkland Alkaline
- Evamor
- Crazy Water
- Filtered Fridge tap water
- Evian
The Neutral
From most alkaline to most acidic
- Evian
- SmartWater
- Poland
The Acidic
Sadly, these are popular bottled waters that are highly consumed.
From most to least acidic:
- Dasani
- Ozarka
- Voss
- Aquafina
I also tested the chlorine content. The only water that had chlorine was our tap water. You can also see the chlorine was filtered out of the Opti Filter, as I used tap water in it.
After seeing the results, I’ll be using an Opti Filter only, for my water intake daily. Get yours here.
Is Alcohol Acidic or Alkaline?
And just for fun, I also tested alcohol. Here are the results.
Neutral: 7 – 7.5
- Wheat Vodka - 7
- Corn Vodka - 7
Acidic: 3 – 5
- Potato Vodka – 5
- Mineral Water – 5
- Wine, Chardonnay – 4
- Tequila – 4
- Whisky - 3
Learning about alkalinity could help your body stay healthy.
When we tilt toward greater acidity, you have a greater risk of developing:
- Osteoporosis
- Weak muscles
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Kidney disease
- Acid reflux
- Digestive problems
When we are more alkaline, we can help achieve the following:
- Anti-aging properties
- Colon cleansing
- Immune system support
- Hydration, skin health and other detoxifying
- Weight loss
- Improves metabolism
- Increases energy
- Reduces bone loss
- Cancer resistance
Some solutions to assist with alkalinity:
- Drink alkaline water
- Greens and Sprouts
- Baking Soda and Water
- Aloe Vera Juice
- Lemon/lime Water
- “Green” drinks & “Green” foods
- Coconuts
- Reduce Your Stress Levels
- Exercise
- High-quality daily multivitamins
Taking small steps could greatly impact your health for the better. And the Opti Filter is actually cheaper than the bottled water we were buying and we’ll reduce waste in landfills, so it’s a win win all around. Here is the Opti Filter, I hope you enjoy it!
Escaping The Victim Mindset
We get more of what we focus on. 😮
Some people focus on happiness and gratitude. They become happier and more grateful, as a result.
Some people focus on fear, doubt, and gloom. The unfortunate result is more of those subjects entering their lives.
The most difficult thing to escape is a victim mindset. It is often embedded deep within your subconscious mind, and it was installed there during your youth.
You received that programming from your parents, teachers, friends, and society. You absorbed the content as pure fact, simply because you had no baseline to compare facts against, at the time.
Perhaps you grew up being told you were shy, so now you believe it. And, you act this way as an adult.
Maybe you grew up being told you weren't good enough. You believed that, too. You now accept it as part of your character.
You listened to your parents and other authority influences complain and blame everyone else for their own problems and situations. You adopted that mindset of blaming, too. It's what you observed and learned.
The victim mindset is the hardest to break free from, because of how readily available there are for others with the same mindset to validate your victim mindset. They do this constantly.
During a low point within your thoughts, you'll make a post on social media, proclaiming something about how your life isn't fair. You'll blame others for your situation, or blame others for your source of grief. You want to be heard. Validated.
What happens?
A flood of other victim mindset people arrive. They've been waiting in their own darkness, scanning the social media feed for their own negative validation. They reinforce your post because they share the same mindset.
The blame game compounds. It's always someone, or some other group's fault. You blame your misery, depression, unhappiness on other people.
What you fail to understand is that when you blame others for your unhappiness, you've also given them control over you. You've admitted that you do not control your own emotions or presence.
So, how do you get out of this victim mindset jail?
You must establish distance from those who reinforce your victim mindset, for their own selfish reasons. They will trap you with them forever. Avoid seeking validation from others in the same trap.
You must stop looking outward for your sources of misery and happiness, and focus inward within yourself. You are the true source of both happiness and misery. It is always your decision.
Begin taking 100% accountability and ownership for everything in your life. Your finances, your success, your relationships, your career. Everything.
Realize that your current situation is the result of decisions you made in the past. Realize that your future is based on decisions you make today. Rest easy, understanding that everything is within your own control. You shouldn't want it any other way.
You get more of what you focus on. I hope to see you on the other side. 🧡
Fitness vs. Excuses
Let's talk fitness for a moment.
Not about the bullshit new year resolutions that you won't keep. More like new lifestyle resolutions.
I was the chubby kid in grade school, and I got made fun of. "Baby fat" isn't cool past age 3.
I was sporting the dadbod in my late 30s, looking 5 months pregnant and having a muffin-top. Undefined arms, bird legs, and a belly. Like most men.
I was buying jeans with a waist size 2-3 inches larger than what I should have been wearing.
I was poking new holes in my old belts to upsize them, because I felt shame shopping for a larger size.
I remember having lower back pains. I remember my knees and my feet would have aches and pop/crack. I used these aches as convenient excuses not to exercise.
"I must be getting old. These pains are normal."
Bullshit. Total bullshit.
I remember one day I was late for a business meeting, and I had to ride up a moving escalator. To save time, I started walking up that escalator.
It made me winded. I lost my fucking breath walking up a moving escalator.
When I was fat, I had much lower self-esteem. Even when I faked like I was confident. I remember what it felt like to be confident in earlier years, so it was easy to fake, in my later years.
I felt like everyone was staring at my pot belly, even though it was probably just in my head.
I hated tucking in my dress shirts and polos, which was required at work. It just showed my belly curvature more. More embarrassing.
I remember turning down invites to go to the beach. I remember keeping my shirt on at pool and lake parties.
I have very few photos of myself from that era. I was good at hiding from the camera, and digital photos are easy to delete.
At 40, I decided to say "FUCK THIS" and started going back to the gym. Now at 47, I'm the strongest I've ever been.
Zero aches. Zero pains. Zero excuses.
When I see someone fat now, I don't hate them. I understand them. I empathize with them.
Outside of those with uncontrollable medical reasons, the rest have no excuses.
Lack of knowledge is a weak excuse for anyone that owns a smartphone. They could literally Google "Why am I fat?" and spend days in that rabbit-hole of info.
I look at what they are doing about it. How they got there isn't the actual problem. That part is done. What are they doing to address it today?
When I see a fat person at the grocery store with a shopping cart full of 2-liter Coke bottles and sugary snacks... come on!
When I see a fat person at the gym, trying to get better, I admire them. I admire them even more than the ripped people there. I've been that person. I know the courage it took to show up.
If this message hit you, what will you decide to do about it?
Will you keep making excuses, or will you rise up and lead by example? Will you perspire in order to inspire others?
Will you be able to write your own before and after story?
I hope so.🧡
Two Types of Happiness
When I was a kid, my family couldn't afford much. Brand-label clothes for school? Not for me and my sister. My mom was good with a sewing machine, she actually made our clothes even into jr high. Nike shoes? Nope, we had some off-brand. Even though these clothes didn't have the logos on them, I was proud of what I had. It was the best we could afford.
I just wanted to fit in, to be like the other kids. When you come from less, you strive to be average. I felt I finally caught up to being average in high school, because I had a job at McDonalds through most of it, and could actually buy my own stuff by then. I had a car, played sports, and a girlfriend. I never really did things to make myself stand out, having worked so hard just to feel accepted within the crowd.
In my 20's, I struggled with college and finances. I'm pretty sure I was broke for at least 10 years. I knew the right path to take with my engineering degree, but that didn't make it easier. It was a slow, arduous process. I finally graduated, while working full-time to pay for it all myself. I did find time in between to gain more social confidence, largely from working in the restaurant industry on weekends.
In my 30's, I focused on my career, and building income. I was sick of my trajectory of becoming average. I spent many months per year working offshore, or away from home. The oil industry has a way of doing that to you. The lure of large paychecks can keep us on the ocean, or in remote areas of the world that most would deem undesirable. I started building companies in my spare time, teaching myself new skills that could also be monetized. I became very, very driven in my 30s. I began to dream bigger, to set crazier goals, and take more action. It worked. I've achieved far more already, than I ever thought would be possible.
Now in my 40's, I've had more time to reflect on things. I've had the fancy cars, big house, international travel lifestyle. Those are great goals to motivate you. But, I've also learned that these things never keep you happy. You always want more, you always want something new, something better. The buzz of happiness that you feel when you achieve something, or hit a financial goal is great - but it is short-lived. It might last a few days. Maybe a week. I've never had any buzz last longer than a month. Seriously. This isn't about being ungrateful, it is just admitting reality. These things are what I now consider a temporary dose of happiness. Nothing wrong with it, but trust me - you will find no end to that chase. It doesn't sustain.
What truly makes me happy, then? I enjoy helping other people achieve their own goals. I enjoy teaching others. I enjoy sharing the knowledge that I continuously come across, if it will help someone. I celebrate their accomplishments, as if they were my own. I enjoy being the connector of people, and someone that people ask advice from. This is what makes me the happiest. I've done this my entire life, but I always thought it would be the material things and personal goals that would bring me the most happiness. I'm finding that incorrect, in recent years.
By all means, certainly pursue those luxuries that make you happy. It is great to set goals throughout your life. It is wonderful to celebrate accomplishments, and reward yourself. Chase those without guilt or regret. Just be aware of the temporary happiness that they provide. Learn the distinction between these spikes of happiness, vs permanent sources of happiness. But do both.
Your happiness, and your life will not be measured by the material things you attain. It will be measured by the number of people that you positively touch. Always remember this.