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Travis Fox is known as “The Architect of Being” and is armed with degrees in both Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy. He is a Master Trainer and Business Coach.

For the last 29 years, Travis has been training and teaching his proprietary methodology; Architecting sales, marketing, communication, branding and corporate cultures for both private and public corporations.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

The selfish reason behind why Travis got into Psychology and Hypnotherapy. – 2:00

• The moronic thing (one of many) the education system forces kids to do that’s not only stupid, but is also totally unfair. – 2:50

• What Travis’s wife did to him that made him feel like his heart was ripped out and driven over by a Mack Truck. Hear this heart-wrenching tale at 3:20

• How being “good” at something can potentially hurt your future career and work satisfaction. – 5:20

• Why many people are miserable with their job or career despite being good at what they do. – 10:00

• A no-nonsense, no B.S. way to find your passion. (This is NOT an answer most people will like, but it is what it is. – 11:15)

• The daunting “30 Day” question that will force you to get real and discover if you’re truly happy or not. If you’re game, listen up at 15:10)

• The #1 excuse people make for not going after their dream. – 17:40

• Tony gets real (like always) and talks about his unrelenting half a decade of Groundhog Day. Yup, believe it or not, Tony went five long years where no matter what he was doing, he just phoned it in – 20:00

• Travis talks about the Dark Side of the self-help industry and reveals some of the “financial shenanigans” that go on. (This is why Travis took a five-year sabbatical from the industry he loves. – 23:00)

• The “When I” fallacy that keeps folks perpetually discontent and feeling more frustrated than a midget playing Twister. 27:35

• The most likely person to quit on you. (It’s very easy to spot this individual. Here’s how: Go into an empty bathroom, walk up to the basin and look in the mirror! – 30:20)

• Golden advice to give your kids no matter how young or old they are. A big caveat: make sure YOU’RE doing this also. – 32:50

• Tony slides his jib about slick encyclopedia salesmen, fine art, and condom wearing bananas. 44:50

• Travis’s impassioned and “uncensored” opinion on Accountability Coaches. WARNING: make sure no young children are around to hear. – 58:30)

• Travis’ method guides people and corporations to the heart of their message.

Travis Fox
City, State, Country
Las Vegas, NV
Company Name & Position Title
Architect of BEing – founder & Creator
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