You Are Losing Thousands in Taxes - with Tyler McBroom - EP 274

Tyler McBroom is back for a timely episode as we are now in the 4th quarter of 2022, and it’s time to make sure you have your business finances in order before the year ends. A lot of business owners don’t know that they could be saving thousands of dollars in taxes every year by being aware of various tax codes. By becoming educated, preparing, and even working with a tax professional like Tyler, you could be keeping a lot more of your money. Owning a business is not just about how much money your business can make, but how much you actually get to keep.

Tyler McBroom is a CPA, tax professional, international speaker, and #1 bestselling author. His mission is to help business owners everywhere grow their profits while paying as little tax as legally possible. Whether it's discussing tax strategies or the fundamentals of business, Tyler has a passion for teaching others and does so through books such as his first release and #1 bestseller, "Cash Flow and Grow", as well as across his various social media channels.

In this episode, Tyler addresses some myths and misconceptions surrounding taxes, such as “why should I make more money if I’ll just be taxed more?” and the also common “rich people don’t pay taxes” thought. Tyler shares some tools you can use to budget and allocate money, the politics of taxes, and a lot of tax tips that you might not have ever heard of, but can save you a lot of money in the upcoming tax season. Tune in, takes notes, and start planning to finish 2022 strong.

Key highlights:

  • How much Tyler saves his clients on average
  • Why “profit first” may not work for you
  • Tools you can use to budget and allocate money
  • The difference between CPAs, accountants, and bookkeepers
  • 2 types of tax planning: permanent savings vs. tax deferring
  • The difference between capital gains and personal income tax
  • The politics of taxes
  • Why does the whole world seem to be dealing with inflation?
  • Tyler’s tax tips to save money
  • How you can save money by hiring your kids for your business
  • The Augusta rule: you can rent your house out for 2 weeks a year
  • Tyler’s live event coming up
  • Tyler’s advice for taking the next steps to save money with taxes

Connect with Tyler McBroom:
Get a free copy of his best-selling book:
Instagram: @tylermcbroom
Facebook: Tyler McBroom, CPA
TikTok: @tylermcbroomcpa
Linkedin: Tyler McBroom
Join Tyler's upcoming live event:

Connect with Tony Whatley:
Instagram: @365driven

The Truth About Alex Hormozi

I see a lot of you copying the caption style that Alex Hormozi uses. I hate to inform you, but your caption style isn't why your content isn't trending like his. 😭

It's a combination of several things that have placed the Hormozi's as the fastest growing business influencers in 2022.

First, he and his wife Leila Hormozi have established proven business results. The couple has exited companies in the 8-figures, and built a portfolio of joint ventures and equity partnerships up to over $100M annual revenue. People take advice from those who've achieved things.

They are also very articulate and intelligent, combined with certainty behind their message. Rather than repeating what others say, they both speak from their own personal experience.

Alex' appearance also breaks the traditional "look" of multi-millionaire business owners. He dresses like the gym bro that he's always been. He doesn't try to look like other people in the space. Plaid, muscles, tank tops, Crocs, jean jorts, and a scruffy beard. He just owns who he is, while most try to emulate others.

The other reason you perceive them as "blowing up" is because they both spend nearly $100K per month on their content creation team. They drop several videos daily, on every platform. You don't have the budget to compete at that level.

Lose the copycat captions. If that's the reason you believe your content is struggling, hopefully I saved you some time and money.

Just focus on:
1) Create measurable results and success in what you wish to be known for.
2) Be yourself. The best version of you, not some watered-down version of someone else.
3) Create content with consistency and quality, over long periods of time. This means years, not weeks.

You cannot skip steps!


Selling With Integrity - with Shawn French - EP 273


For many of us growing up, it was instilled in us to watch out for salespeople because of the stigma around them that all they want to do is get your money and they don’t actually care about what you want. It is often hard to undo these ideas that were passed down to us as children, but the truth is that real salespeople are not sleazy or just trying to make a sale. A good salesperson knows how to listen to what their customer needs, and can make suggestions based on what is best for the customer and not the salesperson. In this episode, Shawn French shares massive value with tips on how to sell with integrity.

Shawn French is an author and sales performance coach that has had a high level of success in the corporate sales environment. Throughout his career, he has discovered the main driver in his performance over the years. He does what he needs to do on a consistent basis, whereas others give up and go home when things get hard. Shawn's mission is to educate other sales professionals and sales organizations that their habits and intentional activity are paramount in their sales success. Shawn went from broke to high 6-figures in 6 months and now he's on a mission to help others create the same results.

People fail to realize that our entire life is sales and we are constantly selling ourselves whether we realize it or not. Shawn addresses the common objections that salespeople usually get from potential customers, and how to counteract them without being pushy or overwhelming the other person. He says that “no” should not be feared. Not putting yourself out there enough is what you should fear. Don’t be afraid of objections, but instead learn to view them as buying signals and be a great enough active listener that you can counteract their struggles and become someone they can trust to solve their problems.

Key highlights:

  • Why is there a stigma or icky feeling around sales?
  • People fail to realize that our entire life is selling
  • How to handle situations where you are not sure if you can meet their needs
  • Strong characteristics for someone to be in sales
  • If you focus on the activity and not the goal, you will reach success faster
  • How many touches are needed to make a sale?
  • The importance of the follow-up
  • What most people tend to overlook when they get into sales
  • Learn the scripts but make them your own
  • How to overcome objections
  • The importance of active listening to counteract customer struggles
  • How to get invited to bigger rooms
  • What you need to know before trying to get as a guest on someone’s podcast

Connect with Shawn French:
Podcast: The Determined Society
Instagram: @theshawnfrench
Facebook: Shawn French
Twitter: @theseanmfrench
TikTok: @theshawnfrench
LinkedIn: Shawn M. French

Connect with Tony:
Instagram: @365driven

Earn Millions & Find Meaning - with Tanner Chidester - EP 272

While earning money, acquiring a large following, and collecting awards is very admirable, the real happiness and significance in life lie in who we surround ourselves with and the meaning in our lives. It is imperative not to lose sight of what is really important in life, such as the freedom to live the lifestyle you want and spend time with the people that matter most. Don’t get so busy chasing accolades and money that you forget about what is truly important in life. Today's guest emphasizes not comparing yourselves to others around you, but instead focusing on your own acceleration and happiness.

Tanner Chidester is the founder & CEO of Elite CEOs and he has generated close to 50 million dollars in sales in the online coaching world. After discovering powerful, repeatable strategies, Tanner’s success went on to disrupt the coaching industry forever. With others wanting to know how he was doing it, Tanner began business coaching on these same strategies and paving the way for simplicity in a traditionally complex online arena. Since then, Tanner’s business has organically evolved into the coaching empire we know today: Elite CEOs. With his team by his side, Tanner is now on a mission to turn as many online coaches as possible into millionaires. In addition, Tanner now owns 3 portfolio companies and is trying to expand into more as he takes the next steps in his business career. He also happens to have grown up in the same small Texas town where Tony was also raised.

In this episode, Tanner shares his journey of growing up in a small town and wanting more for himself. Once he was introduced to the business world, he saw the power of what was possible and how to break the old beliefs around money that he learned growing up. Tanner also dives into the topic of low vs. high ticket offers, and how he grew his social media following. Tune in for more.

Key highlights:

  • Introduction to Tanner and the benefits of growing up in the small town where both he and Tony were raised and went to school
  • How Tanner got introduced to the business world
  • Tanner’s advice to someone that has old beliefs about money
  • Selling low-ticket vs. high-ticket items
  • Tanner’s advice for growing a social following
  • How he made his first million
  • Happiness lies in the progression of growth
  • Don’t compare yourself to others and their growth, just pay attention to your acceleration
  • How to scale your business without sacrificing your family and lifestyle
  • Working more does not equal more success
  • Tony’s near-death experience that put life into perspective
  • Don't pay attention to the critics on the sidelines

Connect with Tanner Chidester:
Instagram: @tanner.chidester
Facebook: Tanner Chidester
Twitter: @tannerchidester
TikTok: @tanner.chidester
LinkedIn: Tanner Chidester
YouTube: Tanner Chidester

Connect with Tony:
Instagram: @365driven

5 Tips For Being a Great Podcast Guest

I've been interviewed over 400 times. Here's 5 tips on being a great guest. You may also use these tips for any conversation with someone you've just met.

1. Let the host speak, too. The best interviews are conversational, not pre-planned or scripted questions. The key word is conversational. Don't get into a 10+ minute monologue about yourself, and hog the microphone. Great guests know when to shut up, and allow the host to ask the next question.

2. Stay on topic with the question being asked. Think of this from the audience's perspective. They hear their favorite host ask you a question, and then they want to know how you'll respond to it. Don't add a bunch of sidebar stories, tangents, and other things which can distract the audience from hearing your response.

3. Invest in your public speaking skills. It's not enough to just have the knowledge or expertise. If you can't communicate it clearly, and you are boring to listen to, nobody will hear what you say. This is especially difficult for men, who generally speak monotone, mono-volume, and without emotion. The most downloaded episodes aren't always the big names, they are the guests who speak with raw emotion and entertain the audience. Hire a public speaking coach, join Toastmasters, and practice. Seriously.

4. Master the art of storytelling. Learn to respond to questions with stories that make people feel an emotion. If you get interviewed often enough, you'll start to hear a pattern of similar questions. Create fictional stories as examples that relate to the topic, or even better; Recall something you've experienced yourself. Emotions, whether humor or adversity, help the audience "hear" and more importantly, remember the lesson because they'll remember your story.

5. Help promote the interview when it's published. I see so few people that do this, and it blows my mind at the opportunity missed. I feel it has to do with some guests feeling they are too big of a deal to help a small show host. You can bet these same people would tell the world if Rogan interviewed them. Why would anyone spend an hour of their time on any show, and then disregard promoting it as more social proof? It's as simple as sharing it on your Instagram Stories, sharing a post, reel, etc.. on it. I've had some of the biggest names promo my show, and that's one reason they are the biggest names now.

If you'd like me as a guest on your show or stage, contact me. 🧡

-Tony Whatley

Build Wealth With Real Estate - with Ryan Dossey - EP 271


Real estate is an asset that can be bought for less than what it is currently worth, making it a great opportunity to build your wealth. In this episode, Ryan Dossey explains the idea of “wholesaling” real estate, including what it looks like and how it is different than buying and flipping houses. While he was stuck in a cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, Ryan took a $3,000 investment and turned it into $10,000 in just a few hours of work, and learned the power of wholesaling real estate. Now he coaches others on how to achieve the same success he has found.

Ryan Dossey is the founder of Ballpoint Marketing, Call Porter, and runs a mastermind called Create Cash Flow. Ryan has helped generate Over $50M off-market for real estate investors, clients, and students.

In this episode, Ryan shares his story of having the confidence to jump into real estate with just $3,000 and why he is passionate about helping others build wealth by wholesaling homes.

Key highlights:

  • Going from selling car warranties to real estate
  • Ryan’s advice to get paid for the opportunities that you generate vs. the hours that you put in
  • The meaning of “campaign” in business
  • Why would someone go with Ryan vs. a real estate agent?
  • How not to judge potential clients
  • Ryan's forecast of the real estate market
  • Wholesaling vs. flipping houses
  • Mistakes Ryan sees in the “flip” market
  • Why Ryan decided to vertically integrate his businesses and what that means and looks like
  • How coaches can accelerate your knowledge
  • How to snap out of the mindset of focusing on money
  • Ryan’s advice to get started in real estate or entrepreneurship

Connect with Ryan Dossey:
Instagram: @ryandossey
Facebook: Ryan Dossey

Connect with Tony Whatley:
Instagram: @365driven