Some hard truth for the men.
Driven men are hardwired to pursue money in their 20s and 30s. It’s how society has programmed us to earn status and prove ourselves. We sacrifice our health. We sacrifice our relationships. We sacrifice our time.
The wiser successful men around age 40 begin to see the bigger picture. With our experience and skills, we realize we didn’t have to do it like we did. We were stuck in the loop of trading our units of hours for their units of dollars. Need more money? Work more hours. Need more money? Work overtime. Need more money? Pick up a 2nd job. We don’t value our time when we think we have unlimited time.
You can be filthy rich, have all the fancy cars, the big home and all the material things you desire. But, if I look at you and your physical fitness is severely lacking, your relationships with friends and family have a history of being weak, your integrity and character are questionable, you aren’t contributing to the betterment of society… then you’ve failed up to this point.
A few of you will read this and feel defensive about something. I challenge you to look into an actual mirror and be honest with what you see.
“But Tony, it isn’t right to judge others!”
I believe we are all judged. Every single day, by every single person. It’s playing make-believe to think otherwise. It’s a false, idealistic belief to think we are not judged. YOU even judge others. That’s normal. It’s human behavior. This is the hard truth that most are uncomfortable with. It’s easier to pretend we aren’t judged, so we can continue with our destructive behaviors, actions, and words.
The good news is that you can fix this. Most won’t. Few will. Become the right man that embraces being judged, because you are being judged as a winner in all areas of life.