An observation of similarity between entrepreneurship and skating.
Whether we’re talking business or carving bowls, there are two important things to consider; Style vs Execution.
I’ve been skateboarding almost two years now, and I continue to improve. Along the way, I started noticing the shift in levels.
At first, I was solely focused on execution. I didn’t have the capacity or awareness to even think about style, because I was so focused on not falling down and eating concrete.
I’d study the lines and paths of better skaters, seeing where I could improve. I’d look for where I was losing speed and momentum. I’d worry too much about where my feet were placed on the deck.
All of it was focused on being able to make a few laps around the bowl, without falling down. I fell down a lot! Hundreds of times by now. It always hurts.
As I improved, I began feeling more of a flow state. Even though I was traveling much much faster, time seemed to slow down and I could anticipate and plan my lines, while reacting in real time with the surface of the bowl.
With enough practice and reps, I don’t even think about minor distractions any longer. The execution is there, so now I can work on style. Making the run look smoother, higher, and more stylish.
In business, far too many get this backwards. They focus too much on style and looking good, rather than focusing on execution and achieving actual, earned results.
You can’t fake it till you make it on a skateboard. Style won’t fool anyone once you drop-in and they see how you execute.
You also won’t fool anyone in business, except maybe actual fools. Those who’ve earned actual results can always see the fakes and those who pretend.
In business, focus on execution first. Focus on the core fundamentals, while also learning new things. Fail a LOT. Earn the scars that provide priceless lessons. Become proven at operations and delivering for your customers.
Then worry about style.