How to know if you’re in a business cult 😮
1. The leader is charismatic and attracts attention. Usually has a level of intrigue or mystery about themselves. Can be unpredictable at times. They’ll sometimes label themselves as prophets or that they have almost God-like characteristics or skills.
2. The leader knows how to grow an audience of followers. They understand that it’s easier to get people to join when they are in a financial struggle or they feel lonely.
3. There is a defined business model that generates huge profits for the leader, and some of the Lieutenants that report directly to him or her. There are usually defined levels within the membership, starting from a low-priced base, a midrange level, and a top level. Each of these levels seems more prestigious than the level below it, and serve to make members aspire to level up (thus, spend more)
4. The psychology of “Us vs Them” is deployed heavily within the organization. The leader teaches the members to distrust anyone outside of the group. The leader makes the members feel they are part of an elite private club, and that they are better than other people outside of the club. Think about how odd this is, especially if you understand most in the group are struggling or lonely, not actually “elite”.
5. The leader introduces “insider speak” within the community. These are trite little phrases or sayings that are often repeated by the leader, and show up in the external words and writings of the members. This insider speak is a way of signaling to other group members that you’re in the club. It’s the “IYKYK” handshake.
6. Members are manipulated to remain in the club through gained notoriety and acknowledgment within the club. They are led to believe they are better members if they contribute more money and time to the group. They are made to believe they are part of something much bigger than themselves, and that it’s unsafe to leave the group. People fear the potential backlash of leaving, so they remain.
7. The leader accepts no criticism, and dissent is punished publicly. Naysayers or skeptics are removed immediately, by shunning or banning them. Those who remain in the group are encouraged to no longer associate or support former members. On social media, they’ll block or unfriend you. A former member’s stellar reputation may experience a smear campaign, especially if they are a whistle-blower.
8. Each cult has regular gatherings and ceremonies. These are opportunities to publicly praise the best members, encourage more donations or leveling-up ranks by investing more, and to allow the members to visually see they aren’t alone. Expect “insider speak” in most member conversations, especially from the leader on stage.
9. The leader eventually earns enough to invest in real estate, a formal gathering place or compound. A place where they can teach others to enroll more members, have private gatherings, and indoctrinate their beliefs into members and staff.
There are other tactics being used, but these are the main ones to identify. If you’ve found value in this article, share it with others.