Fear often keeps people from going after what they really want in life and keeps them complacent in a job or position in which they are not utilizing their full potential. This is because we’re taught to lie and say the “right” thing instead of what we actually want and what’s real in our hearts. This leads to people living an average life due to fear of looking dumb to others, having people laugh at their goals, and because of fear of failure. Successful people know that failure is not something to avoid or be fearful of. Failure is the path to greatness. Important lessons lie in failure, so don’t let your fear hold you back and lie to you about what you actually want in life. This episode is packed with lessons, wisdom, and a success story that was built from pushing fear aside and putting in the necessary hard work to be great.
Setema Gali is a former NFL player for the New England Patriots and won the Super Bowl in 2002. Setema is honest about the extreme dedication it took to get him there, his transition out of football and into being a mortgage broker, and the adversity he faced after the 2008 market crash. From being a successful professional football player to losing it all and selling his Super Bowl ring, Setema shares what he learned as he reinvented himself and came back stronger and more grateful than ever. Now he helps others realize their potential, and he speaks on stages breaking down old barriers, weak stories, and mediocre results. Through his coaching programs, live immersion events, digital trainings, and daily podcast, Setema has changed the lives of thousands of people, helping them set their dreams high and their commitment higher.
Setema believes that having the ability to have calm energy about you is a superpower, and in today’s world with so many distractions pulling us in different directions and the polarity that we are exposed to on a daily basis, learning to control our emotions and being aware of our energy, is a very important skill. You don’t want to miss Setema’s comeback story and the incredible insight he shares in this episode.
Key highlights:
- Setema’s background and childhood growing up as an uncoordinated child that didn’t even like football at first
- What sports taught Setema at an early age
- What Tony learned from sports growing up
- Why do people have a fear of going after their goals?
- Emotional control is a strength and high performers usually have their emotions in check
- Being aware of the energy you give off
- You should be the same person online that you are in person
- Being real in a world of filters and fake influencers
- Tony’s advice for hiring or promoting someone
- People undervalue time nowadays – don’t fall for get-rich-quick schemes – time is not something you can shortcut
- People overestimate what they can do in one year, and underestimate what they can do in 10 years
- What post-NFL looked like for Setema including being depressed and losing everything
- How Setema reinvented himself by joining a company, getting into sales, and eventually following his calling to help others reach their goals
Connect with Setema Gali:
Website: setemagali.com
Instagram: @setemagali
Facebook: Setema Gali Jr.
YouTube: Setema Gali
Connect with Tony:
Instagram: @365driven